Parental Responsibilities
Holiday & Sickness
Parents are asked to give prior notice of holidays taken during term time. Please inform the Preschool of the reason your child is unable to attend on the first day of his/her absence.
Please note that sessions will still be invoiced and need to be paid for if your child misses any sessions during term time.
If you have a message to relay to staff, teachers are available at the beginning of each morning and at the end of each day to speak to. If you do not personally bring or collect your child, please do so in writing.
Showing/ toys from home
Your child will be able to bring something from home each week to show to the class. You will be informed when your child’s ‘show and tell’ day is when he/she starts at the preschool.
Birthdays are celebrated at snack time. If you would like your child to bring a special treat or cake to share, please notify the Preschool in advance.
Changes of address, telephone numbers or email addresses
Please ensure that the Preschool is notified of any changes of address, telephone numbers or email addresses.
Suggestions, Questions & Problems
To discuss any suggestions, questions or problems you may have concerning your child or the Preschool, please do not hesitate to contact the Manager, Mrs. Sandra Case to make an appointment.
Parental Support
If you feel that you could give some time to helping at the Preschool it would be most appreciated, although we realise that for most of you this will not be possible. However, please pray for us, as we highly value your prayer support.
Parents’ Committee
Our Parents’ Committee provides parents with many opportunities to become involved in the preschool by organising events and helping with fundraising. We normally get together about once a term and then again when there is an event where we can help out if needed.
Positive Behaviour Policy
The Preschool environment is one which endeavours to reflect the love of God, not just in word but in deed. It is important for children to experience God’s love through people, to feel accepted, valued and secure. We believe that encouragement and positive response to children are very important as is correction when needed.
At this stage of development young children need boundaries to help to give them security. One of the ways we can create this is to set limits, and by having clear expectations of their behaviour. We make use of a lot of role play to explain positive behaviour to the children. Our commitment is to “Train up a child in the way he should go”, as is stated in the Bible. As difficulties arise, we will talk to the child explaining the nature of the offence, making clear right and wrong, and guide them towards making the right choices, apologising and asking and receiving forgiveness.
Expectations we like to maintain in our Preschool include:
Respect for teachers and consideration towards one another.
Honesty, obedience and cooperation.
Parents will always be informed of any need to discipline.