Enrolment Procedure
Enrolment is open to all children of all races and ethnic origins. We accept children between the ages of two years two months and five years. Children may start Preschool when they reach the admittance age (including mid term admittance).
Registration Requirements
Please contact us to email you an application form or fill it in online to return to us. It would be best if you contact us soon after this to discuss a suitable date for you to come into the preschool for a visit with the manager and for a look around. We enrol children at the beginning of terms as well as mid-term
We accept applications for younger children as well and will keep them on file until they are ready to start school soon after turning 2 years old.
Telephone number: 01582 320566
Manager: Mrs Sandra Case
Observing Preschool in action
We would like you to feel welcome at the Preschool, either to observe or join in with the activities. If you feel you would like to spend some time with us, please see the Manager to make arrangements for this.
Required Provision
Each child will have a place set aside in the foyer and in his/her class for storing his/her belongings. Please ensure everything is labelled with your child’s name (including shoes!).
Practical, comfortable play clothes. Please send your child with clothes that are easy for him/her to take up and down when using the toilet (please avoid dungarees and belts).
Please take into consideration our messy play when dressing your child. Although aprons are used, paint and glue sometimes work their way onto clothing!
In case of accidents, can you please provide a spare change of clothes to be kept at Preschool during term time.
Plimsolls or slippers are required for indoor use.
Please send your child in shoes which are easy for them to put on and take off. Although we appreciate that sometimes this is difficult, we would be very grateful if you could avoid ankle boots/ lace up shoes.
Every child must have a pair of wellington boots and waterproof trousers (both clearly labelled) which must stay at preschool for outside use.
Other provisions
All children must be provided with a small healthy snack for snack time and a filled water bottle. Milk will be provided by the school if your child would prefer this.
For full day attendance, please provide your child with a packed lunch and a drink. 
Please make sure all snack boxes and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child’s name!