Policy Statements for Highfield Preschool
All statements below refer to policies set out in the Highfield Pre-school policy document which is available for examination at the pre-school.
1. Partnership with Parents and Carers
It is the policy of the Highfield Pre-school to:
(a) Inform parents and carers of the aims and objectives of the Pre-school.
(b) Show parents how these are implemented in the current practices.
(c) Involve parents in the running of the Pre-school and in the care and training of the children under the supervision of the Pre-school leader.
(d) Report children’s progress to parents both formally through reports and consultation evenings and informally on a day to day basis as points of interest, encouragement or concern arise.
2. Special Needs
It is the policy of the Highfield Preschool to help children and staff to work together for the full development of all children in the context of the preschool’s aims and requirements for the Special Educational Needs & Disability Acts (SENDA) 2001 and the Equality Act 2010.
3. Equal Opportunities
It is our policy to make provisions for pupils and workers that will not cause disadvantage to anyone on the basis of sex, race or disability. In addition to providing equality of opportunities for pupils, it is also our aim to promote the principle of the equal validity of different cultures and backgrounds.
4. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Our aim is to care for the whole child while in our care and this means spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. This means that we provide a secure and safe environment during the day with sufficient structures to stimulate the child emotionally and mentally. Thus the physical and spiritual dimensions are cared for. In additions to this, we look for evidence that each child is secure emotionally and physically when not at school.
5. Health and Safety
It is the policy of the preschool to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone in so far as they come into contact with the school, its employees and equipment. We further aim to promote a healthy lifestyle and a high standard of hygiene and safety.
6. Positive Behaviour
It is the policy of the Preschool to provide a secure framework for learning. This means that there are boundaries and parameters for acceptable behaviour. It is our aim to clearly define acceptable behaviour and to inform the child clearly when he/she has moved beyond the boundary of acceptable behaviour. Please ask for our Behaviour Policy for more information on this.
7. Complaints Policy
Our preschool believes that the children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our preschool and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about running of the preschool. We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our preschool to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties involved within 28 days. To achieve this we operate a procedure of five stages.
In the event of a concern or complaint please contact the manager of the preschool on 01582 463308. The preschool is monitored by OFSTED, the registration and inspection body which ensures adherence to the National Standards for Day Care. Their contact details are on the Notice Board at the preschool.
Other Policies
There are more policies available to read such as:
Admissions policy
Settling in policy
Procedure for covering staff absences policy
Statement on race relations policy
Employment or recruitment policy
Lost child policy
Sick child policy
Student placement policy
Record keeping policy
Outings policy
Confidentiality policy
Complaints policy
These policies are available at any time upon request.